Personal Injury Overview
Absolutely No Cost Unless We Win
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Soft Tissue Injury Attorneys
Sometimes motor vehicle accidents lead to serious injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments. These are known as "soft tissue injuries," and they can be quite serious. They can prevent you from working, leaving you without a way to afford your costly
medical treatment.
In the New Orleans area, people like you suffering from painful soft tissue injuries put their trust in our personal injury lawyers at the Kambur Law Firm. Multiple generations of families have turned to us because we know what it takes to get positive results for people who are suffering.
Do Not Let The Insurance Companies Intimidate You
While insurance adjusters may say that contusions, tears or strains are not that serious, they can be sadly mistaken. Injuries such as whiplash can lead to intense pain and suffering, hindering your ability to live a normal life.
It is important to remember that adrenaline in the immediate aftermath of a car or other type of accident can hide the effects of knee injuries, shoulder injuries or whiplash. It is important to seek medical attention quickly, even if you do not think you are hurt. After you are examined, contact attorneys like ours to learn more about your legal rights and how we can protect them.
Remember, the insurance companies are not concerned with your best interests, but by getting our attorneys on your side, you can let them know that you will not be intimidated into accepting a low settlement offer. Call the Kambur Law Firm, APLC,
at (504) 486-4700 to schedule a free consultation at one of Louisiana's premier personal injury law firms.