Personal Injury Overview
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Taxi Accidents Lawyers
Much like when you use public transportation, when you use a taxi, you expect the driver to get you where you need to be without endangering your safety. When a taxi driver causes an accident, however, you may be able to recover compensation while you recover from your injuries.
Making the right decision when securing legal representation is critical, however. At the Kambur Law Firm in New Orleans, our attorneys have a strong reputation that has come with effectively representing accident victims throughout Louisiana for decades. Our team of experienced personal injury trial lawyers do not shy away from a fight, and they will work as hard as they can to get you the compensation you deserve.
We Can Uncover Cab Driver Negligence
While New Orleans and Louisiana have laws designed to keep all taxi patrons safe, the simple truth is that sometimes drivers do not follow those laws, and that behavior can lead to disastrous consequences, such as serious injuries or wrongful death. As our client, you can be sure that we will try to find answers to questions like:
Additionally, while many cab drivers here in New Orleans are independent operators, some are employed by larger companies. For those drivers, we can investigate whether their employers provided them with the proper safety training and if the cabs were undergoing the proper maintenance. We will look into every possible option to recover compensation.

Get The Kambur Law Firm, APLC, On Your Side And Don't Sacrifice Experience
Contact our law firm today if you are the victim of a cab driver's negligence. When insurance companies try to intimidate you, we can level the playing field in your fight for compensation. Call us today at (504) 486-4700 to schedule a free consultation.