Personal Injury Overview
Absolutely No Cost Unless We Win
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New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyers
Our attorneys here at the Kambur Law Firm are known throughout New Orleans and Louisiana for working quickly and aggressively to get much-needed compensation for the victims of accidents.
With a long track record of successfully representing clients — more than $100 million in compensation for our clients — you can put your trust in our law firm to provide you with the representation you need if you or a family member is hurt or killed in a:
Do Not Pursue Compensation Alone. Our Attorneys Can Protect Your Rights.
Any of the accidents listed above can lead to serious consequences such as wrongful death, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and soft tissue injuries. That is why it is important that you do not speak to an insurance adjuster before consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney. The adjuster may twist your words and portray you as admitting fault to avoid paying you the compensation you need to cover your medical care and lost wages.
Instead, by acting quickly to secure legal representation, our lawyers and staff can get to work gathering evidence, making sure you receive the right medical treatment, and working with accident reconstruction experts. We know that the thought of taking legal action can be scary, but you can rest assured with us in your corner.

Contact Our Orleans Parish Attorneys Today For Help
When you are suffering from injuries due to someone else's negligence, our lawyers are ready to fight for you, just as we have countless other Louisianans. Call the Kambur Law Firm, APLC, today at (504) 486-4700 to schedule a free consultation at our office, conveniently located on Canal Street.