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Commercial Vehicle Accidents Attorneys
If you are hurt in a car accident and wish to seek compensation, it is important to know where to look. For example, if you were hurt by someone driving a company car or truck, the negligent driver's employer may share in the liability.
This is where experienced, knowledgeable legal representation is essential. With decades of combined experience, our attorneys at the Kambur Law Firm in New Orleans, Louisiana, can determine a course of action that is in your best interests and increases your chances of recovering the maximum amount of compensation.
When investigating the details of your accident, we will determine whether the responsible driver was operating his or her vehicle in the course of his or her employment. Whether it was a truck driver, bus driver, delivery driver or salesperson, the employer has an obligation to ensure that its drivers are operating their vehicles safely.
Fighting For Injured Workers Through Third-Party Claims
Additionally, if you are injured in an accident while in the course of performing your work, workers' compensation may not provide you with the financial support you need for your pain and suffering.
If you are a commercial vehicle driver such as a traveling salesman or delivery truck driver who is hurt in a car accident that was not your fault, we can represent you in your "third-party claim" against the responsible party and its insurance company much like we would any other personal injury claim.

Speak To Our Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawyers In New Orleans Today
Time is of the essence when pursuing compensation. Contact the Kambur Law Firm, APLC, today at (504) 486-4700 to schedule your free consultation. Our attorneys are ready to provide you with the help that you need during this stressful time.