Personal Injury Overview
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Bus Accidents Attorneys In New Orleans
When you use public transportation, you are putting your trust not just in the driver, but your local government to keep you safe. You do the same thing when you put your child on a school bus every morning.
When that trust is violated, and you or your children are left suffering from injuries, it is important to remember that you are not alone. Our attorneys at the Kambur Law Firm can help you like we have helped numerous New Orleans-area families throughout the years.
You Must Act Quickly If You Are Hurt In A City Bus Accident
Few lawyers in Louisiana have the deep knowledge of personal injury law that our team possesses. It comes from our extensive experience at trial sticking up for the rights of accident victims, and has led to us recovering more than $100 million on behalf of our clients.
However, we have seen too many times what happens when bus accident victims wait too long to take action. Crucial evidence can be lost. Additionally, adrenaline can mask injuries in the short-term, meaning you still need to seek medical attention, otherwise it could be harder to prove in the future that your injuries are linked to your bus accident.
If your child was involved in a school bus accident, you can put your trust in our attorneys to handle your case with the attentiveness it deserves. We value our relationships — many lasting for generations — with our clients, and we will work as hard as we can to hold negligent bus companies, governments and their drivers responsible for endangering your child's safety.

Contact Our Law Firm Today To Protect Your Rights
The sooner you contact the Kambur Law Firm, APLC, the sooner we can get to work investigating your claims and gathering evidence. Call us today at (504) 486-4700 to schedule a free consultation and get the peace of mind you deserve.